Multilink Magazine: Downloadable PDF & Blog
February, 2015.
Inmo was initially founded as a base of operations for Multilink, a digital magazine and online blog, run by myself and the super talented Steve Sawyer.
Launched into the digital landscape of 2005, a time before the wide spread adoption of social media (myspace anyone?), when self publishing platforms were few and far between, Multilink offered a curated quarterly collection of independent creative initiatives from across the globe.
The world wide web was gaining real traction at the time. Along with it a motivated audience, hungry for inspiration and willing to dig deep for content in a landscape that felt somewhat barren by todays standards.
Influenced by various traditional fanzines of my youth, Multilink was our attempt at strategically buried treasure; a melting pot of creative disciplines and cultural outlooks, bound together as a scrap book styled switchboard, providing readers with myriad new trajectories in which to point their web browsers.
A fantastic training ground for art direction and the editorial process, Multilink was a hugely collaborative project. Shout out to Davon, Mike, Huw, Gabe and all the other extended editorial regulars as well as all the featured artists and organisations that kindly allowed us to present them in our own style. Working with Steve was a constant education in design and I’ve no doubt that the visual tone he defined for us played a huge part in attracting the 80,000 odd downloads each of the later issue received.
The magazine wrapped up its run in 2007 after nine quarterly issues. While the studio was taking on more contract work that would compete for time, the truth was that the web was evolving around us at pace and our little niche was beginning to feel less relevant in the bigger landscape. With other opportunities on the horizon, the time felt right to bring things to a close.
The blog would still see regular content updates until sometime in 2011 and 2009 saw the release of Capsule 01, a one-off physical volume of collected artwork that included a handful of artists from previous issues of multilink (more on that in a coming post).
My most sincere gratitude to all and everyone involved… co-creators, contributors and audience alike. We caught a great wave at just the right moment and it was all kinds of excellent!
Roles: Co-founder, Editor, Project Co-odinator, Designer, Web Developer.